Monday, November 11, 2013

Control the Controlables

Having battled Cancer and come out on the other side, I have learned that sometimes in life things just don't seem to go your way.  Being a complete control freak, this little life lesson is something that is very hard for me to accept.  It keeps me awake at night, then haunts my night-mares, and distracts me from things that are actually in my control. Thus, I have come up with a mantra--that if you ask anyone who has been with me in particularly rough time in my life will probably be able to recite to you without blinking and find it to be a little annoying by now-- I don't know where I heard it first or who said it to me, but I know I have been saying it for a couple years now. All that you or I can do is
Control the Controlables.  Honestly, I don't even know if "Controlables" is a word, as I get a red line under it every time I type it out-- But these three words have gotten me through some of the most dark periods of my life and I plan on sticking with them until the end. 

On Saturday things did not go our way, and it was entirely our fault. I can't sit here and pretend to know every little thing that went wrong but I can say with complete confidence that we are going to learn from our embarrassment, hold ourselves personally accountable, and control our controlables this week as we plan for Bloomsburg and Penn State.  I know that with our performance doubt has planted a seed in the minds of many of fans, and to honest I don't blame you.  We did not compete, no excuses. But-- you don't judge a book by its cover and you shouldn't judge my team by a match, because if you do your going to miss out on a great story. We are going to look back at this past weekend and realize that it was a WAKE UP for our team. Don't count us out just yet, allow us to prove you wrong. 

I am headed up to practice in a few minutes to continue preparations for this weekend. I promise you that Coach Santoro and his staff are ready for this week to get started. It is going to be a fun week, and an even better weekend-- we get to step out onto that iconic Brown and White mat and show up!

Right now, we need to be inspired. If you have some inspiration for us--leave a comment or send me an email.  Help us inspire not only ourselves, but also inspire you! 

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